Electrocution Death and Construction Workers

After analyzing data from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the National Fire Protection Association has determined that a “significant share” of contract worker deaths from electrocution in the four-year period from 2012 to 2016 were construction workers. Contract workers are either employees from an outside entity or self-employed independent contractors. In a report published in […]

Kids and Bikes: Dangerous Combination?

According to an article from the online journal, Accident Analysis & Prevention, from 2006 to 2015, approximately 2.2 million children from age five to 17 were treated in emergency departments for bicycle-related injuries, which is an average of about 600 injuries per day in the United States. While we all want our kids to have […]

Is Your Car a Lemon? You May Need Legal Help

Buying a new car is an exciting time, but what happens when that joyful day turns into a nightmare because your new car is a lemon? After enjoying the new car smell, a pristine exterior, spotless interior, and driving unnecessary miles just to get behind the wheel of your new “baby,” you learn that you’re […]

When Insurance Companies Act on Bad Faith

Insurance is meant to protect us against catastrophic, life-changing events like ill health, accidents, natural disasters, and death. Without insurance, one car accident or an unexpected illness can cause irreparable harm to our financial stability. Without insurance, we have no protection against the curve balls that life throws at us—the situations that it’s impossible to […]

Smaller Trucks on the Road is Key to Safer Travels

Truck accidents usually result in serious injury or death, and with so many commercials trucks on the road during any given day, it’s not surprising that approximately 500,000 truck accidents occur each year in the United States. About 5,000 of those truck accidents result in at least one fatality, according to statistics published by the […]

Going Home for the Holidays? Get There Safely!

Being involved in a car accident is just a terrible experience. Motor vehicle accidents are be stressful, time-consuming, costly, and even scary. When there are serious injuries, loss of life, and extensive property damage, car accidents can also be very traumatic. Being in a car accident around the holidays is even worse because it’s a […]

Common Injuries for Steelworkers and Ironworkers

Steelworkers and ironworkers face serious dangers every day. Welding, working with sharp and powerful tools as well as sharp and heavy materials can be dangerous for workers in relatively contained and controlled settings, and many iron and steel workers are also operating in dangerous settings such as working at great heights, near heavy traffic and […]

Ohio is Cracking Down on Distracted Drivers

We all know that texting while driving is dangerous, but a surprising number of people still do it. If you’re guilty of texting while driving, and you’ve never been in an accident or hurt someone (or yourself), you must realize the time has come to stop this selfish, dangerous behavior. Ohioans are fed up with […]

Texas’ State Ban on Texting While Driving Falls Way Short

It’s a well-known fact that distracted driving accounts for a huge number of accidents across the United States. Pedestrians and bikers are particularly vulnerable, but other motorists are also at substantial risk. Texas enacted a law nearly 15 months ago in an effort to combat distracted driving. But, how effective has it really been? Where […]