Eye Injury Claims After Car Accidents

Air bag deployment, shattered glass, other debris, and blunt force trauma from the crash itself can all cause serious eye injuries in car wrecks. Some result in permanent vision loss or loss of the eye. Even when vision loss is minimal, it can mean giving up activities you once enjoyed, affect your job performance, and […]

Wrongful Birth, Wrongful Life, and Wrongful Pregnancy Lawsuits

Although all three involve medical malpractice leading to the conception and/or birth of a child, wrongful birth, wrongful life, and wrongful pregnancy have some very distinct differences. You’ll get the basic concepts here, but you must talk to an experienced medical malpractice attorney in your state for more detailed information. These lawsuits are even more […]

Tragic Death in Harrisburg, PA, Marks the First Fatality Linked to Hoverboard Fires

According to a PennLive report, a major fire on the 2500 block of Lexington Avenue in Harrisburg, PA, resulted in the death of a four-year old girl named Ashanti Hughes who fell while fleeing the scene. Her two sisters were in critical condition as they were sent from the burning building to Lehigh Valley Health […]

FTC Sued for Allowing Dealers to Sell Cars with Deadly Defects

When you go to the dealership and see that a car has been certified as safe or has been subject to a “rigorous inspection”, you assume that any recall issues have been taken care of. In fact, even without the safety claims, you probably assume that dealerships are not allowed to sell vehicles with unfixed […]

Seeking Damages for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome After an Accident

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also referred to as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) is a debilitating and painful condition for which there is no cure. CRPS can stem from an injury so minor that you didn’t even realize you were injured when the accident occurred. It happens when the immune system and nervous system respond […]

The “Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act of 2017” Is Only Fair for Business Defendants

On February 9th, Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, introduced HR 985, or the “Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act of 2017,” a bill that Howard M. Erichson of Fordham University said is “slapped together without any nuanced understanding of the law of class actions.” Section 1717 According to John C. Coffee, […]

Liability for a Vehicle Mishap on the Road – What You Need to Know

In car crashes, most car accident attorneys look at the liability that falls almost only on the drivers, private individuals. In consequence, insurance companies settle up. Some states have no-fault systems. In the rest of the states, damages depend on how much insurance the at-fault driver has. It’s rare that a component of the car […]

House Republicans Use an Obscure Legislative Tool to Shoot Down Yet Another Obama-era Workplace Regulation

The GOP has recently invoked the power of the Congressional Review Act (CRA) – which has been pretty much dormant since its enactment in 1996 – in order to repeal Obama-era regulations. Before Trump’s inauguration, CRA had been successfully used only once in 2001 when Congress threw out a measure that enforced certain ergonomic rules […]

The Difference Between Birth Injury and Birth Defects

Every future parent, upon learning that he or she will have a baby, hopes that his or her child will be born healthy and whole. Unfortunately, sometimes, babies are born with a birth injury or a birth defect. While many people may use these terms interchangeably, there is actually a significant difference between the causes […]