Seeking Damages for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome After an Accident

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also referred to as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) is a debilitating and painful condition for which there is no cure. CRPS can stem from an injury so minor that you didn’t even realize you were injured when the accident occurred. It happens when the immune system and nervous system respond inappropriately to an injury. CRPS can cause permanent pain and disability. Accident victims who develop CRPS need and deserve substantial compensation for their pain and suffering, but it takes an accurate medical diagnosis and an excellent attorney to prove your case.

What is CRPS?

In CRPS, the pain signals turned on by an injury never get turned off. The pain is severe and persistent. And there can be other changes such as skin changes and even changes in bone density. Early treatment increases the likelihood of getting the condition under control.

Unfortunately, CRPS is often misdiagnosed, and treatment comes too late. When that happens the condition can become permanent, meaning a lifetime of pain and suffering that is disproportional to the original injury.

Symptoms can include:

  • Burning pain
  • Sensations such and “pins and needles”
  • Abnormal swelling
  • Skin changes including changes in skin color and abnormal skin temperature
  • Abnormal hair growth
  • Loss of range of motion or weakness
  • Stiff joints
  • Severe muscle cramps

Getting Help

If you suspect that you are suffering from CRPS you need proper diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. It is not a condition that all doctors are qualified to handle. Many doctors are skeptical of patients, even though it is a scientifically proven medical condition. If your doctor is not taking you seriously, find one who will. Diagnosis is not simple. Your doctor must rule out other causes of your symptoms.

If you are diagnosed with CRPS, you need the help of an attorney who has experience representing clients with chronic pain conditions. Severe and chronic pain can be very difficult to prove, but it can be done.

To learn more about your rights, please contact an experienced accident attorney right away.

Avatar About Sandra Dalton

With a background as a paralegal, focusing on criminal defense and civil rights, Sandra Dalton launched her freelance writing career in 2000 with a weekly column on Freedom for Suite 101 and pro bono projects for individuals and organizations supporting causes close to her heart. One of her first projects was for the Police Compliant Center writing about police misconduct. Sandra’s legal writing quickly expanded to include personal injury, animal welfare, criminal defense, disability discrimination, family law and much more.