Attractive Nuisance

Children possess natural curiosity, a quality that can be both charming and dangerous. The “attractive nuisance doctrine” is a legal concept, designed to protect curious children, that makes it easier to sue a property owner for an injury sustained by a child on his property, even if the child was trespassing at the time of […]

Brain Injury Awareness Month

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, and while awareness about traumatic brain injuries has risen in the past few years due to an increasing amount of scrutiny in the media and professional sports, it should be noted that brain injury victims are not just limited to athletes. Many soldiers also suffer traumatic brain injuries as […]

Car Accidents Involving Pregnant Women

If you have been in a car accident while pregnant, you should seek medical attention immediately, even if you believe that you were not hurt, because your unborn child may have been injured. In the event of injury or death to your child, you might be able to recover damages for injuries to both you […]

Teaching Your Kids How to Avoid Being Bitten by a Dog

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA), more than 800,000 Americans receive medical attention for dog bites each year, and at least half of them are children. The majority of dog bites to children are preventable. Kids have a tendency to do things that dogs find threatening or painful, even when they don’t mean […]

What’s in Your Cabinet – Are You Paying Attention to Drug Recalls?

How would you know if a prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs in your medicine cabinet was recalled today? Will your pharmacist call and tell you? Are you subscribed to any mailing lists that announce drug recalls? Do you regularly check recall lists for all of the medications and supplements in your home? Or, do you […]

Do Concussions Cause More Suicide?

A recent study published by the Canadian Medical Association journal found that people who have suffered concussions are more likely to die by suicide, although the incidence remains rare. Researchers at the University of Toronto examined 235,000+ adults who had suffered concussions over a 20-year period. This group was found to have an incidence rate […]

Yet Another Former NFL Player Diagnosed With CTE

Ken Stabler, who quarterbacked the Oakland Raiders for most of the 1970s, can now be added to the growing list of former NFL players who have suffered from CTE. A post-humus examination of Stabler’s brain revealed to Boston University researchers that Stabler had developed chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a brain disease that scientists believe is caused […]

Preventing Scald Injuries at Home

By Victoria Ipri – Staff Writer This week is National Burn Awareness Week. Each year, more than 500,000 people in the United States and Canada receive medical treatment for burn injuries. Approximately 50 percent of these burn injuries are scalds, a burn caused by hot liquid or steam. At highest risk are children, the elderly, […]

Zika Virus at Home

Declared a “public health emergency” by the World Health Organization, the Zika virus appears to have entered into the United States yesterday, “through sex”. The virus, usually associated with mosquito transmission, is a flavivirus. The same family as West Nile, yellow fever, and dengue. While the illness is often mild, there can be long term […]