Filing a Claim Against a Hospice

When doctors or hospitals make mistakes or are negligent, patients are able to file medical malpractice claims in order to obtain compensation for their injuries. But what if a hospice caregiver is negligent and causes injury? This question can sometimes cause confusion because hospice care is specifically meant for people who are terminally ill. This […]

What a Life Care Plan Does for You

Your life care plan is used to show the jury what your needs will be, as a result of your injuries, and what it will cost for the rest of your life or as long as your injuries are expected to affect you. It is comprehensive, including your future medical care, rehabilitation, medications, and much […]

Hospital Health: 1 in 25 Getting Sicker on Visit

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about one in 25 hospital patients has a healthcare-acquired infection (HAI). HAIs are infections that are contracted in a hospital or another healthcare setting. Hospitals can often prevent HAIs by simply following the most basic patient safety rules, such as proper handwashing. In fact, […]

4 Ways That Spring Cleaning Can Kill You

Just knowing that spring cleaning can kill you is a good excuse to skip it, but for those who choose to brave the dangerous task, here are four deadly cleaning dangers, and how to avoid them. Deadly Fumes Never mix bleach with anything. You may already know that mixing bleach and ammonia creates a deadly […]

Top 5 Personal Injury Resources

1. Personal Injury Claims Personal injury covers a very wide range of accidents and injuries for which you can recover compensation. Car accidents, slip and fall, swimming pool accidents, and nursing home negligence are just a few examples of the types of cases that fall under personal injury. Personal injury damages can include medical expenses, […]

Brain Injury Awareness Month

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, and while awareness about traumatic brain injuries has risen in the past few years due to an increasing amount of scrutiny in the media and professional sports, it should be noted that brain injury victims are not just limited to athletes. Many soldiers also suffer traumatic brain injuries as […]

Preventing Nursing Home Bed Sores in Nursing Home Residents

Choosing to place a loved one in a nursing home is a difficult decision. Making sure that your loved one is well taken care of is your highest priority and delegating that responsibility to others is hard. So, you choose the nursing home carefully and try to take into account all possibilities. Unfortunately, nursing home neglect […]

What’s in Your Cabinet – Are You Paying Attention to Drug Recalls?

How would you know if a prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs in your medicine cabinet was recalled today? Will your pharmacist call and tell you? Are you subscribed to any mailing lists that announce drug recalls? Do you regularly check recall lists for all of the medications and supplements in your home? Or, do you […]

Getting Started as a Caregiver

November is National Family Caregivers Month. If you are new to caregiving, you are probably overwhelmed by facing the transition and wondering what steps you will need to take. Of course, each situation is unique, but there are some common elements and some things you can do in the beginning that will make life much […]