Driving in the Rain

There is a lot of advice available online about filing auto insurance claims and maximizing compensation. That advice is useful and important. But it’s always best to start at the beginning, before the accident occurs. Preventing collisions is the most surefire way to keep costs down. To that end, there are a number of safety […]

Chemical Burns Can be Life-Altering

It’s no secret that exposure to some chemicals can be life threatening. Inhaling toxic chemicals harms the lungs and can kill. Chemical burns also can have a long-lasting impact on victims’ lives. However, most people don’t realize that caustic chemicals are more commonplace. Even household cleaners have the potential of causing irreparable skin damage. In […]

The Seriousness of Electrical Shock

Electricity is a necessity for modern living, and people who build residential and commercial properties, work with power lines and electrical grids, as well as those who work near high-powered machines are at risk for electrocution. Electrical shock causes 300 deaths and 4,000 injuries a year. With the right awareness and precautions, employers could prevent […]

San Antonio Lags on Pedestrian Safety

Two years ago, officials in San Antonio promised its citizens that the roads would be made safer via the implementation of a nationwide initiative called Vision Zero. Vision Zero is a program with a lofty goal: to eliminate pedestrian deaths and serious injuries. It’s a project that was first initiated in Sweden in the late […]

Railway Company’s Negligence Cause Major Pollution in Montana

Residents of Livingston, Montana, have witnessed first-hand the damage dealt by the treacherously negligent attitude of Northern Pacific Railway. One resident, named Bill Philips, put it this way in a recent Huffington Post report on the toxic effects of the railway company: “Rip, rape and run,” he said. And perhaps it’s always been that way […]

Nursing Homes and Fall Injuries

Each year, over 300,000 seniors over 65 suffer from a serious hip fracture. These injuries usually occur in one of two ways. Many people slip and fall, and then break their hips. That’s especially common in nursing homes that have environmental issues, like dark hallways or wet spots on floors. Alternatively, according to former Surgeon […]

Motorcycles: Statistics and Safety Tips

There’s no doubt to many riders that summer and fall are the best time for going on a road trip on a motorcycle. Before you head off into the sunset, however, you should be aware of some statistics and safety tips. This article is intended to inform you of relevant motorcycle statistics, and to provide […]

U.S. Cities Are On Their Way to Ending Pedestrian Deaths

In recent years, cities in the United States have been seeking a remedy for the pervasive problem of traffic death. For some, Vision Zero has emerged as the much-desired answer. Founded in Sweden in 1997, Vision Zero has one underlying imperative: traffic-related deaths can and should be eliminated entirely. Of course, the organization has not […]

Scarring from a Burn

Scarring depends on the severity of the burn. Most first degree burns will hardly leave a scar, while some 2nd degree burns will leave a small one. When you get into 3rd degree burns and beyond, you can be sure that there will be scarring, the degree of scarring will depend on just how deep […]