Search Results for: driving

Parking Lot Accidents

One would think that parking lots ought to be a safe place to drive. However, the opposite is true. Even though vehicles moving through parking lots do so at low speeds, accidents are all too common. Common reasons for parking lot accidents The most common causes for low speed parking lot accidents include: Distracted driving […]

It’s Imperative to Keep Your Feet Off the Dashboard

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), between 1990 and 2008, 290 people died due to an ejected airbag. Many of the victims were passengers and 80 percent of those who died were not wearing their seat belt. The kicker is that many of these collisions occurred at low speeds. Of course, the […]

There Are No Accidents, Just Bad Decisions

We use the term “accident” when referring to car wrecks and other collisions, because most of them are unintentional. But there’s a big problem with that. It’s just too easy to slide from unintentional to unavoidable, in our minds. And that makes it far too easy to overlook the bad decisions that lead to these […]

Fatigue Negatively Affects Uber and Truck Drivers Alike

Many of us have had at least one long night on the road, fighting to stay awake before finally realizing it’s just better to stop somewhere and sleep. In those moments, we come close to understanding the dangers of driving while drowsy. Even so, it is still difficult to fully fathom the perils of this […]

Choosing Your First Car: Safety Features

There are a lot of exciting options when buying a new vehicle.  There are different brands, styles, colors, and features to consider.  It may be difficult to choose the perfect vehicle, but are you considering vehicle safety?  Are the trendy options really worthwhile if the car is not safe?   Still, it could be easy […]

Is Fault Automatic in Rear-End Collisions?

You have probably heard that, in rear-end collisions, the rear driver is automatically found at-fault regardless of the facts or circumstances. There is a kernel of truth to that, but it’s not that simple. In most rear-end collisions, the rear driver really is too blame, so there is a presumption of fault in this type […]

Avoiding Collisions and Injuries at Intersections

Traffic intersections are motor vehicle collision hotspots. The confluence of pedestrians, changing traffic lights and vehicles going every which way, produces a recipe for potential disaster. As it happens, many drivers get into accidents simply because they fail to pay attention to oncoming traffic. Needless to say, accidents that happen in these areas can often […]

Who’s at Fault in Lane Change Accidents?

In lane change and merging accidents, some say that the driver who was changing lanes or merging is always at fault. But, determining liability in lane change accidents is not that simple. Proving what really happened and who was to blame can be very difficult. You need the help of a highly skilled car accident […]

13 Senior Citizens Killed in Crash. Will Texas finally Pass a Texting Ban?

On Wednesday, March 29, 2017, 13 senior citizens were killed in a horrific crash caused by a 20-year-old man who told a witness at the scene that he had been texting. Texas is one of only four states that does not have a ban on texting while driving. Bills have been considered by the legislature […]