What is Dram Shop and Social Host Liability in Drunk Driving Accidents?

Although drunk drivers can legally be held responsible for the injuries and deaths that they cause, there are many reasons why that avenue of compensation may not yield nearly enough to cover your medical expenses and other losses, and in some cases there may be no compensation available from the guilty driver. However, dram shop […]

ATV Accident Claims

According to ATVSafety.gov 327 ATV accident deaths were reported in 2011, and ATV accidents resulted in an estimated 107,500 injuries serous enough to require treatment in emergency rooms, in the U.S. The numbers for 2014 are not yet in, but if the headlines are any indication, it has been a bad year for ATV riders. […]

Product Liability Accidents

Defective products can cause virtually any type of accident. Car accident victims, drug injury victims, and those who are injured on-the-job are among the many who often discover that their injuries were actually caused by a defective product, and their lawsuit will fall under product liability. In some cases it is obvious, but sometimes it […]

Theme Park Accidents

The theme park and amusement park accidents that we see in the news are terrifying and dramatic, but they are not the most common types of amusement park accidents. More often, theme park visitors and employees are injured in accidents which do not draw the attention of other theme park goers or the media. Even […]

Safety in the Home: Electric Cords and Outlets

We spend most of our time surrounded by electric cords and outlets. It’s something you may not think about often, but every cord and every outlet poses a danger if it is faulty or used improperly. By being observant and developing good habits, you can minimize the risk of fire, electric shock, and accidents such […]

Recognizing Stroke “FAST” Can Save a Life

Time is your biggest enemy when having a stroke. Very quick treatment can sometimes reverse a stroke. The longer it goes untreated, the more damage it does to the brain and after the first three hours, the most effective treatment is no longer an option. Those who survive can suffer permanent disability as a result […]

Fall Pet Safety

The cooler temperatures and relative quiet of fall come as a relief to most pets, but it can also be a season full of hidden dangers. If you have kids as well as pets, it can be easy to get caught up in their chaotic school schedule and overlook hazards around the house and in […]

Autumn Yard Work Safety

As summer draws to a close and the weather mellows, yard work becomes less intense, but for many of us it does not go away entirely. While the risk of heat stroke, dehydration, and severe sunburn are fading, fall yard work can still result in serious injuries, and some accidents can be fatal. A few […]

Avoiding Medication Errors after a Hospital Stay

According to a recent article in the Harvard Health Letter, medication error following a hospital stay is a very big problem in the U.S. today. Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that half of patients experienced medication errors at home during the first month after being discharged from the hospital. There are many reasons […]