Staying Safe When the Power Goes Out

Power outages have become more common. According to a 2011 report by the National Wildlife Federation, we had about five to 20 weather-related power outages per year in the mid 1990’s, and now we have about 50 to 100 each year. Weather-related power outages can happen any time of year. Many of the dangers posed […]

Christmas Tree Fires

More than 200 home fires start with Christmas trees each year. Real trees are more likely to catch on fire than artificial trees, but artificial trees can also cause fires. When real trees are properly maintained and kept moist they do not burn easily. That may explain why more Christmas tree fires start after the […]

Oh Christmas Tree

Thinking about setting up a Christmas tree? Take a moment to learn more about tree traditions and ways to celebrate safely with this Christmas tree safety infographic. Christmas Tree Safety Infographic Recap Celebrating the winter holidays by decorating your home with an evergreen is an ancient and alive tradition. But this holiday tradition should come […]

Kitchen Fires are Three Times More Likely on Thanksgiving

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the number of cooking fires that occur on Thanksgiving Day is three times the average number of daily cooking fires. It makes sense when you consider the fact that Thanksgiving meals are more complicated than the average meal and for some people Thanksgiving is the only […]

Thanksgiving Food Safety – Stuffing in the Bird?

Of all the disagreements that can crop up surrounding holiday arrangements, one of the most pervasive arguments in some families is whether to cook stuffing in the bird or make dressing separately. Whether you are on the side of tradition or in desperate fear of salmonella poisoning, there are a few things you should know […]

Is Stress Killing You?

We live in a society that encourages hyper-productivity and multitasking, where it’s easy to believe that if you’re not stressed, you’re not doing enough. We tend to regard self-care and managing stress as luxuries reserved for the wealthy or signs of laziness. And yet, the science shows us that managing your stress is key to […]

Are Parents Responsible for Car Accidents Their Children Cause?

This is something that every parent of a teen driver and every victim of an accident caused by a minor needs to know. Unfortunately, like most legal questions, the answer is, “it depends on the circumstances, and the laws in your state.” We know that is frustrating, and we are going to give you the […]

4 Tips For Avoid Injuries When Exercising

Warm Up First, Stretch Last The old recommendation was to stretch before exercise and other physical activity. That has changed. You do want to warm up before working out or playing sports. Stretching should come after your workout. If you stretch before, you will have less strength and will not perform as well. You want […]

Halloween: Hosting Trick-or-Treaters Safely

When you think about Halloween safety, it’s easy to overlook the hazards on your own front porch and in your yard, especially those that you have grown accustomed to and see every day. You can help prevent accidents and injuries on your property by looking at the setting with fresh eyes, and considering what might […]