Halloween: Hosting Trick-or-Treaters Safely

15616294_mWhen you think about Halloween safety, it’s easy to overlook the hazards on your own front porch and in your yard, especially those that you have grown accustomed to and see every day. You can help prevent accidents and injuries on your property by looking at the setting with fresh eyes, and considering what might be hazardous to small children, and those encumbered by clumsy costumes and masks.

  • Take a look at your lighting. Are stairs, walkways, and any potential obstacles adequately lit?
  • Remove any hazards or obstacles that you may be used to avoiding on a daily basis. This includes garden hoses, sprinklers, and lawn tools.
  • Clear out any wet leaves or snow from walkways and steps.
  • Keep candlelit jack o’ lanterns away from places where costumes can get too close and catch on fire.
  • Keep all jack o’ lanterns and other low decorations out of walkways where they can pose a tripping hazard.
  • Keep pets in a safe room, fenced yard, or crate for their safety and the safety of others. Halloween can be very scary and dangerous for pets, and children may not know that their candy can be poisonous to your pets.
  • When you want trick-or-treaters, make sure your porch light is on. If you run out of candy or just don’t want to answer the door anymore, turn the porch light off.
  • Only hand out individually wrapped treats that are sealed.
  • Consider avoiding giving out candy that contains peanuts, due to peanut allergies.

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