Space Heater Fires

Space heaters are deceptively dangerous products – so much so that the National Fire Protection Association estimates that about a third of house fires in the United States each year are caused by portable space heaters. Space heater fires commonly result in death or serious injury because they are particularly likely to occur late at […]

Preventing Nursing Home Bed Sores in Nursing Home Residents

Choosing to place a loved one in a nursing home is a difficult decision. Making sure that your loved one is well taken care of is your highest priority and delegating that responsibility to others is hard. So, you choose the nursing home carefully and try to take into account all possibilities. Unfortunately, nursing home neglect […]

What’s in Your Cabinet – Are You Paying Attention to Drug Recalls?

How would you know if a prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs in your medicine cabinet was recalled today? Will your pharmacist call and tell you? Are you subscribed to any mailing lists that announce drug recalls? Do you regularly check recall lists for all of the medications and supplements in your home? Or, do you […]

Preventing Scald Injuries at Home

By Victoria Ipri – Staff Writer This week is National Burn Awareness Week. Each year, more than 500,000 people in the United States and Canada receive medical treatment for burn injuries. Approximately 50 percent of these burn injuries are scalds, a burn caused by hot liquid or steam. At highest risk are children, the elderly, […]

Holiday Hosting Checklist

With everything that’s on your mind this time of year, it’s nice to have a little cheat sheet to help keep you on track with your hosting plans. You can print this checklist to have on-hand, or use it as prompts for your own personalized list. Food Know when you need to start thawing the […]

Talking to Your Parents about Giving up Their Drivers’ Licenses

Talking to aging parents about giving up their driver’s licenses is uncomfortable at best, and can easily become confrontational in some families. No one wants to give up their independence, and no child wants to see their parents get to the point that they can no longer safely drive. But, if you wait too long […]

Icy Sidewalks – Who’s at Fault

A slip and fall on an icy sidewalk can be very expensive for victims who suffer serious injuries, medical bills, time missed from work, and more. Even a relatively minor injury from a fall can be costly and cause impairment that affects your ability to work at full capacity in the years to come. In […]

Worst Elderly Driver Accidents

Talking to a loved one about giving up their driver’s license can be upsetting for everyone involved, and in many cases there are alternatives that can help older people maintain their independence for as long as possible. However, elderly drivers can be very dangerous. One of the most common mistakes elderly drivers make, leading to […]

Getting Started as a Caregiver

November is National Family Caregivers Month. If you are new to caregiving, you are probably overwhelmed by facing the transition and wondering what steps you will need to take. Of course, each situation is unique, but there are some common elements and some things you can do in the beginning that will make life much […]