Settling insurance claims can sometimes be a complicated matter. Even if you only had a slight fender-bender, there are still large mistakes that people can make when dealing with insurance companies and claims adjusters. In order to make sure that you receive a fair amount for your claim, you should read through this list of […]
Government Pressure Up on Takata Corp for Recalls
Takata Corp is under increased pressure from the US Department of Transportation to recall over 42 million vehicles that were fitted with potentially deadly air bags. The Japanese auto air bag supplier has been ordered to recall vehicles fitted with the faulty airbags according the deadline schedule released by the government agency on Friday, December […]
Surgeon General Warns Teens of E-Cigarettes
On Thursday, the US Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, voiced his concern about the growing number of youth using e-cigarettes. “Contradictory to the believe of many,” Murthy stated, “the aerosol that is produced by e-cigarettes is not harmless water vapor, for either the user, or for those who inhale it second hand.” Murthy notes that nicotine, […]
Quiet Car Rule to Protect Pedestrians
One of the selling points of electric cars and many new model vehicles is that they have quiet engines. Gone are the days when drivers sought powerful, fast and noisy engines. Many of the new cars in the market feature quiet engines at low speed. However, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), […]
Back and Neck Injuries Caused by Car Accidents
Most back and neck injuries that are caused by car accidents result from damage to one or more of the spinal discs, known to doctors as intervertebral discs. A spinal disc is a hard, fibrous disc, filled with a gel-like substance called the nucleus, that fits in between the vertebrae. The fact that disc damage […]
Traffic Fatalities Continue to Rise as a Result of Distracted Driving
According to the NPR article “Human Errors Drive Growing Death Toll in Auto Crashes,” the first six months of 2016 have shown higher rates of traffic fatalities. Specifically, statistics show that the first half of 2016 had a 10.4 percent higher rate of traffic-related deaths (nearly 18,000 in total) than the previous year. Government agencies […]
What are Damage Caps and How Do They Affect My Case?
In very basic terms, a damages cap is an arbitrary limit on the total compensation that a plaintiff can recover for his or her injury in certain personal injury, medical malpractice and product liability lawsuits. Damage caps have been imposed by some state legislatures to limit compensation to victims. These damage caps are typically presented […]
The Importance of Upgrading Your Bike Helmet
So, you have a sturdy bike helmet from a few years ago. Do you really need a new bike helmet? It’s true that most bicycle helmets made within the past decade do an excellent job of protecting riders. On the other hand, however, newer models of bike helmets have been designed to protect riders based […]
Make Your Desk a Happy Place
Any place where you spend several hours should be comfortable, inviting and a space that you look forward to entering. Most of us look forward to getting off work each day, but if you’re spending your entire day fantasizing about how to escape your workspace, it’s time to make some changes. Making your desk a […]