Search Results for: pet

Don’t Let Your Pet Distract Your Driving

If you’re the parent of a four-legged friend, you know the love you feel for your dog or cat is quite similar to the love you feel for any member of your family. You feed your dog, walk your dog, maybe even dress your dog, and you want to take your dog on all kinds […]

Complications Associated with Incompetent Cervix

Incompetent cervix, also called insufficient cervix, refers to a medical condition in which a woman’s cervix cannot support the weight and size of the baby growing inside her. Occurring in about 1% of pregnancies, incompetent cervix must be skillful treated by medical professionals, or serious health risks could result. Incompetent Cervix Risk Factors There are […]

Pet Safety Tips for Your Holiday Bundles of Joy

If you are one of those lucky pet parents who received or adopted a puppy or kitten for Christmas, you are well aware that they are now getting to “that age” where all bets are off and it’s time to go crazy. For you, this is both a very fun and very frustrating period. For […]

Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina – Pet Safety

On Thursday, August 21, Danny became the first hurricane of the 2015 Atlantic season. Ten years ago, when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, over 600,000 animals were stranded or killed, in part because rescue workers refused to transport them and, in some cases, forcibly removed them from their owners. In 2006, a federal law called […]

Fall Pet Safety

The cooler temperatures and relative quiet of fall come as a relief to most pets, but it can also be a season full of hidden dangers. If you have kids as well as pets, it can be easy to get caught up in their chaotic school schedule and overlook hazards around the house and in […]

Pet Safety: Dogs Riding in the Back Seat

Just like your child, your dog should always ride in the back seat. It is the safest place in the vehicle for your dog, and it can help prevent an accident. When dogs ride in the front seat they can cause distractions, especially if they are prone to jump in your lap or into the […]

Deadly Pet Treats Back in Stores

Last year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that as of September 2013, it had received reports of about 3,600 dogs sickened by jerky treats made in China, and nearly 600 who died from eating the treats, since 2007. By January, 2014 the number of reports of sickened animals had risen to 4,500. […]

Pet Food Recalls

Deadly Dangers for Pets and People It seems like there is a new pet food or treat recall every day. It is enough to frighten many pet owners into switching to homemade meals and treats, but for most that is not a realistic option. Pet food is recalled for a variety of reasons, and when […]

Common Vehicle Defects That Cause Motor Vehicle Accidents

When you think of a car accident lawsuit, you may imagine the only eligible claims are against drunk drivers, texting drivers, and the like. But did you know that some car accident claims are brought against the manufacturers or other parties responsible for defective vehicle parts? Any component of a motor vehicle could be defective […]