Search Results for: driving

Snapchat – How New Legislation is Fighting Distracted Driving

Everyone knows that it’s illegal and unsafe to use a phone while driving, and yet people still use their phones every day while on the road. Even more troubling, however, are features of certain apps that encourage unsafe behavior while driving. Last month in Georgia, two parties of an auto collision were nearly killed due, […]

Self-Driving Cars and the Future of Auto Accidents

Self-driving cars are already here. While fully autonomous vehicles that require no human driver or occupant are a few years out, cars with self-driving features are already available. The hope is that fully autonomous vehicles will put an end to traffic fatalities. But accidents are inevitable during the experimental and transitional phase when new technology […]

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

By now we all know that distracted driving is possibly the biggest hazard we face on the roads today. What many people aren’t thinking about is the danger they place themselves in with distracted walking. We’ve all seen the zombie pedestrians, eyes glued to their phones as they wander straight into traffic without ever noticing. […]

Holiday Driving Safety: When One Drink is More Than You Think

Whether you are going out for the holidays or hosting celebrations in your home, if alcohol is involved you need to know a little more about the alcohol content in the beverages you may be consuming or serving to your guests. If you have always judged alcohol consumption by the number of drinks, your estimations […]

National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

On December 1, 2015, President Obama issued a statement proclaiming December 2015 as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. While we face many dangers on the road that are beyond our control, such as defective vehicles and dangerous weather conditions, impaired driving remains the most common cause of auto accidents. It is something that we can […]

Dangers of Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving is impaired driving, plain and simple. But far too many drivers don’t realize it or just don’t see it that way. It feels easy to justify getting behind the wheel when you’re too tired to drive, but you have to go to work. It seems totally different from choosing to drive drunk, for […]

Top Five Driving Distractions

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), distracted driving is involved in accidents killing more than nine people and injuring 1,153 in the U.S. each day. Devices of All Types By now pretty much everyone knows that texting is a leading cause of car accidents, but it is not the only […]

Drunk Driving Accident Claims

Auto accidents involving drunk drivers are some of the most tragic and heart wrenching accidents that families can face. In most cases, they are the entirely preventable result of someone else’s selfish and irresponsible choice. Survivors and the loved ones of those who are killed in DUI accidents face a very emotional legal battle, with […]

Mountain Driving Safety

Rocky Mountain National Park Celebrates its 100th Anniversary: Mountain Driving Safety January 26, 2015, marks Rocky Mountain National Park’s 100th anniversary. For those who will be visiting the park this season, and those who are planning any mountain excursions, we offer these mountain driving safety tips. Make sure you have plenty of gas before you […]