Search Results for: driving

How to Drink Responsibly – the Definitive Guide

If you think that responsible drinking begins and ends with finding a designated driver, you have a lot to learn. Drunk driving is just one of many ways that you can get hurt, hurt someone else, wind up in jail or get your drunken antics posted on social media, possibly ruining your reputation and your […]

Love Hurts: Ten Ways that Love Can Put You in the Hospital

Food Poisoning – Whether it is your first date or you want to do something special for Valentine’s Day, you may be tempted to get adventurous with cooking a meal for the object of your affection. If you are a novice cook, learn the basics of safe food handling first. Even the most seasoned cooks and […]

Car Accidents – What to do if You Think Alcohol Was Involved

If you are in a car accident and you think the other driver may have been intoxicated, you need to take steps right away to protect your legal rights. If you can prove that the other driver had been drinking, it will help you prove negligence on the part of the other driver. You may […]

Alcohol Awareness Month: Restaurant and Bar Owners’ Responsibility/Liability

When people chooses to drink and drive, they can be held responsible for any injuries they cause, both criminally and civilly. But it can be very difficult for injury victims and the loved ones of those who are killed in drunk driving accidents to collect from drunk drivers who are convicted criminally and often do […]

5 Tips for Staying Alive After an Auto Accident

You have survived a terrifying accident, shaken but physically unscathed. You are overwhelmed with relief, but the danger is far from over. Now you have to protect yourself from other unsuspecting drivers who are swiftly approaching. It has been pounded into your head since your first driving lesson, “Never leave the scene of an accident!” […]

How to Stay Safe After an Auto Accident

Staying Alive After an Accident Print out this “Stay Safe” reminder. Cut the page on the dotted line. Fold the reminder around your car registration and proof of insurance. Keep in your vehicle’s glove box. Just Say “Stay” This winter we have seen some horrific accidents, most as a result of severe weather. The most […]

Would You Know if Your Vehicle Was Subject to a Safety Recall?

We hear about vehicle recalls in the news almost every day. Some of the recalls involve defects that have already caused numerous accidents and death. But the majority of safety recalls don’t make the headlines, and owners, especially those who bought their vehicles used, are left driving around completely unaware of the dangers. offers […]

Are Parents Responsible for Car Accidents Their Children Cause?

This is something that every parent of a teen driver and every victim of an accident caused by a minor needs to know. Unfortunately, like most legal questions, the answer is, “it depends on the circumstances, and the laws in your state.” We know that is frustrating, and we are going to give you the […]

Avoiding Accidents on Icy Roads

Icy roads are dangerous for even the most experienced driver and in any type of vehicle. While the right vehicle can make driving on snow and ice safer, it can also give drivers a false sense of security, causing them to drive more carelessly. Driving in a storm has the added danger of poor visibility […]