Black Ice Accidents

Invisible and deadly, black ice is one of the worst hazards drivers can encounter. It is a thin sheet of ice with virtually no air bubbles, so it is completely transparent. Black ice typically looks like damp or dry asphalt, and that is the deception. Drivers see it and think that the road is perfectly […]

NTSB Most Wanted List – Safety Improvements for 2016

The National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) 2016 Most Wanted List of Transportation Safety Improvements targets impairment of all types, including distractions, fatigue, and health conditions. There is also an emphasis on technology and its role in both causing and preventing accidents. The NTSB does not have the power to require these changes, but says that […]

The Dangers of Underride Accidents

Any accident involving a large commercial truck can be a massive and devastating crash. Underride accidents cause some of the worst injuries. Decapitation is the biggest danger in an underride accident. Although there is no way to completely prevent all truck accidents, underride can be prevented with adequate safety equipment installed on big rigs. Rear […]

AAA Expects Over 100 Million Year-End Holiday Travelers in 2015

The American Automobile Association (AAA) expects more than 100 million Americans to travel for the year-end holidays in 2015. If the prediction is correct, it will be the highest number on record. More than 90% of travelers will be driving, which means you need to be extra vigilant on the roads this year, whether you […]

Holiday Driving Safety: When One Drink is More Than You Think

Whether you are going out for the holidays or hosting celebrations in your home, if alcohol is involved you need to know a little more about the alcohol content in the beverages you may be consuming or serving to your guests. If you have always judged alcohol consumption by the number of drinks, your estimations […]

National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

On December 1, 2015, President Obama issued a statement proclaiming December 2015 as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. While we face many dangers on the road that are beyond our control, such as defective vehicles and dangerous weather conditions, impaired driving remains the most common cause of auto accidents. It is something that we can […]

Worst Elderly Driver Accidents

Talking to a loved one about giving up their driver’s license can be upsetting for everyone involved, and in many cases there are alternatives that can help older people maintain their independence for as long as possible. However, elderly drivers can be very dangerous. One of the most common mistakes elderly drivers make, leading to […]

Truckers and Tough Turnaround Times – Why Sleep Matters

Truck driver fatigue is a very real and constant danger on our roads, as the 2014 crash involving a Wal-Mart truck that killed comedian Jimmy Mack, left Tracy Morgan severely injured, and also injured three other passengers, reminded the world. Hours of Service (HOS) rules were created in an attempt to combat fatigue, by limiting […]

Dangers of Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving is impaired driving, plain and simple. But far too many drivers don’t realize it or just don’t see it that way. It feels easy to justify getting behind the wheel when you’re too tired to drive, but you have to go to work. It seems totally different from choosing to drive drunk, for […]