Avoiding Lawn Mower Accidents and Injuries

Around 300,000 people are treated for lawn mower injuries each year. Many people, parents included, underestimate the dangers of using a lawn mower. Children are often injured because they start using a lawn mower too soon, when they are not ready to handle it safely. By following basic lawn mower safety, you can greatly reduce […]

School Safety: Minimizing Illness When Your Child Goes to School

When kids go off to school, they tend to get sick. Even kids who are normally healthy and not prone to illness. When they get sick, it often spreads through the whole family. It can be hard to control what you child does at school and impossible to regulate the behaviors of schoolmates, but there […]

Earthquake Safety

There is no earthquake season. Earthquakes can happen any time of the year, and in any weather condition. There are areas of the country that are more prone to earthquakes than others, but there is some potential for a quake in all 50 states. In July, 2014 the United States Geological Survey (USGS) released updated […]

Bear Safety at Home

When bears are preparing for winter, they have to take in a massive amount of calories every day. Bears are inactive during the winter, although it is not true hibernation. They do not eat, drink, or pass waste during this time, but they can be easily wakened. In late summer and early fall, bears eat […]

Lightning Safety

Although lighting strike deaths have gone down in the last few years, lightning is still one of the most deadly weather events. Those who survive can suffer serious injuries. Neurological injuries are the most common, after being struck by lightning. Survivors may suffer damage to the ears and eyes including ruptured eardrums and later development […]

Childhood Lead Poisoning

Many parents may not be aware that lead poisoning is still a very serious risk for children. It is, in fact, the number one preventable environmental health threat to children in the U.S. today. Lead poisoning is a risk for people of all ages, but it is especially dangerous for children. Hispanic children are at […]

Planning Ahead, Aging At Home

Planning Ahead Can Help You Stay in Your Home as You Age No one wants to be forced to move because of age-related disabilities. If you plan ahead, you can start make the changes that will allow you to “age in place” and continue to enjoy your home safely and conveniently. Most homes are not […]

Pool Dangers – Infographic

It’s summer. That means it’s pool time. And pool time means fun, sun, and staying cool. But it also means pool accidents, slip and fall injuries, drowning injuries and worse. AccidentAttorneys.org put together this Pool Dangers Infographic to prevent you from having a bad day at the pool.

Wildfire Preparedness: Build Your Emergency Supply Kit

If you don’t have an emergency supply kit, you need one. It is essential for wildfire preparedness, and something you should have for all types of disasters and emergencies. You can purchase various types of emergency kits, and that is not a bad starting point for your kit, but it really needs to be personalized […]