Bear Safety at Home

3614724_mWhen bears are preparing for winter, they have to take in a massive amount of calories every day. Bears are inactive during the winter, although it is not true hibernation. They do not eat, drink, or pass waste during this time, but they can be easily wakened. In late summer and early fall, bears eat as much as they can to get ready for this period of inactivity. Although bears are generally not aggressive, they can be dangerous when startled or protecting their young. There are several things you can do to stay safe in bear territory.

Bears in Your Neighborhood

Bears prefer to avoid people, but many factors have pushed them into populated areas. Even if you live in the suburbs or an urban area, you may be in bear territory. If you live in bear country, the most important and effective thing that you can do to avoid a conflict is to not attract bears to your home in the first place:

  • Do not feed the bears. It only takes one experience for a bear to decide that your home is a good food source.
  • Do not leave trash out overnight unless you have a special bear-proof container. Check your local ordinances for specific requirements.
  • Do not store pet food outside or in a shed.
  • Do not store any kind of food in an unlocked garage. This includes pet food, bird seed, and food that is stored in a refrigerator or freezer.
  • Only put out bird feeders during “hibernation” months.
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