Attractive Nuisance

Children possess natural curiosity, a quality that can be both charming and dangerous. The “attractive nuisance doctrine” is a legal concept, designed to protect curious children, that makes it easier to sue a property owner for an injury sustained by a child on his property, even if the child was trespassing at the time of […]

Teaching Your Kids How to Avoid Being Bitten by a Dog

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA), more than 800,000 Americans receive medical attention for dog bites each year, and at least half of them are children. The majority of dog bites to children are preventable. Kids have a tendency to do things that dogs find threatening or painful, even when they don’t mean […]

October 2014 – Accident Statistics often researches and posts interesting and important accident information online as part of our mission to help prevent accidents. If you or a loved one have been injured in accident, please take some time to learn about the possible legal ramifications and make sure you find a top rated attorney. For more information checkout […]

Cat Saves Boy From Dog Attack

Our dog bite attorneys have been helping to bring awareness to dog attacks for awhile now.  We’ve shared information about what do to with injuries and claims, blogged about tips for preventing dog bites, created an infographic for National Dog Bite Awareness Month, and made a downloadable Dog Bite Prevention Guide. And then yesterday this happened: Posted […]

Dog Bite Injuries and Claims

While any dog may bite if it is provoked or is not well trained and restrained, there is still a great deal of liability with dog bites. Every year, there are millions of dog bites in the United States. A great deal of these bites lead to emergency care. If you have been bitten by […]

Protecting your Child from Dog Bites

Children are inquisitive by nature, and the subject of their curiosity is often living creatures around them, including dogs. Many people in various communities have dogs, and they can be terrific companions for children. However, for a variety of reasons, dogs can bite children, and these bites can cause serious injuries and complications. Millions of […]

Tips to Prevent Your Dog from Biting

When people bring a dog into their home, the last thing they want is to cause other people pain. Fortunately, with good training and socialization, the vast majority of dogs don’t bite. Additionally, when people pay close attention to changes in their dog’s body language, they can help prevent dog bite accidents from happening. Preventing […]

Dog Bite Safety – An Infographic

May is National Dog Bite Awareness Month and to help bring attention to the dangers of dog bites, has created several ways to educate the general public, including our Dog Bite Prevention Guide and several blog posts. We’ve also created this easy-to-read and entertaining Dog Bite Awareness Month Infographic. Please share this with your friends, family, and […]

Signs That A Dog May Bite You

Dog bite injuries are scary and difficult for families. A loved companion can become very threatening for any number of reasons. However, you can help prevent accidents from occurring by watching out for some common signs of aggression in dogs. Signs that a Dog May Bite Most dogs show their aggression through noise. The most […]