Zero Annual Traffic Deaths, A New Approach in Automotive Thinking

Over 37,000 people die in road collisions each year, according to the Association for Safe International Road Travel. James Kuffner, Chief Technology Officer at the Toyota Research Institute, is one of many experts around the world that are a proposing a new goal for the auto industry. Zero traffic deaths. Kuffner makes the claim that […]

When Should You Represent Yourself in Court?

Technically speaking, you have the right to represent yourself in court. But, just because you are allowed to do something, doesn’t mean you should. When you represent yourself, you take on significant financial risks, not just the risk of losing the value of your case. Your chances of winning are dismally low, no matter how […]

Red Light Cameras Increase Crashes, May or May Not Reduce Severity

Red light cameras are highly controversial. They are hated by drivers, considered a violation of privacy by many, have been found unconstitutional by multiple courts, are banned in 10 states, and where they are installed accidents go up. And then there is the corruption issue. In January, 2016, Chicago’s former assistant transportation commissioner, John Bills, […]

Have Kids Under 6? Don’t Allow Laundry Pods in Your Home

Laundry pod poisoning is so common and so dangerous that people with children under six years old are now advised to keep them out of the house entirely. A recent study found that more than there were more than 22,000 calls to poison control centers regarding children under the age of six exposed to laundry […]

Cruise Ship Risks

When you think of the risk of drowning on a cruise ship, you probably envision being thrown overboard on rough seas, the ship sinking, or some other dramatic scene involving the ocean, its vastness, and the power of Mother Nature. You picture the kind of nightmarish event they make movies about. What you may not […]

Biking to Work Increases 60%

Just in time for National Bike Month, the U.S. Census Bureau has released its first report that focuses solely on bicycling and walking to work. According to the report, the number of people bicycling to work has increased by about 60% since the 2000 Census. Walking to work has increased, too, but not nearly as […]

Office Safety

Did you know that the rate of disabling fall injuries is two to two and a half times greater for office workers than non-office workers? We don’t typically think of an office as a dangerous work environment, but accidents in the office are quite common. In fact, it is probably because there are no massive […]

Can I Reject the Insurance Company’s Offer and still get Paid for my Accident?

After an accident, the insurance company may offer you money to settle your claim. Typically, this offer will be for far less than your claim is worth, although the insurance company will try to make it sound like they are being generous. You do not have to accept their offer. If you reject it, you […]

Top Three Tips for Women’s Health Week

National Women’s Health Week kicks off on Mother’s Day, May 8, 2016. It is a time for women to focus on taking control of their health and establishing good habits to maintain throughout the year. Here are our top three tips for what you can do for your health during Women’s Health Week. Commit to […]