Search Results for: distracted driving

Free Car Safety eBook

A Free Guidebook Produced by At, we are committed to helping you stay safe and avoid car accidents. We asked our accident attorneys what they’ve learned, then created these safety tips for you. Download your copy now. Know Thy Self, the Conditions, and Your Car Driving is often the most dangerous thing you […]

3 Most Dangerous Summer Days to Drive

Summer is upon us, and while that may seem like a good thing for drivers, the season holds some very serious dangers and some of the most deadly driving conditions. Major holidays, teen drivers, and increased travel are just a few of the factors that ramp up the danger on the road during summer months. […]

How to Avoid Dangerous Drivers this Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo is one of the most dangerous days of the year to be on the road. Whether you are celebrating or just going about business as usual, the safest choice is to stay off the roads, or get off the roads early. For many of us, that is not an option, but there […]

School Safety: Walking and Biking

In an age where kids spend most of their time staring at a screen instead of playing outside, walking and biking to school can provide much needed physical activity. It may even improve your child’s academic performance. A 2012 Danish study found that kids who walked or rode their bicycles to school performed better on […]

Bicycle Accident Claims

Bicycle accidents often result in permanent and life changing injuries. Many bicycle accident victims do not realize that compensation is available. Even if you were injured in a single vehicle bicycle accident or were the victim of hit and run, you should talk to a skilled and experienced bicycle accident attorney to find out about […]

Bus Accident Claims

Bus accidents are far less common than car accidents, but when they happen they can have devastating consequences. Bus accidents are not limited to collisions between a bus and another vehicle. Slip and fall while on the bus, and pedestrian accidents where a bus passenger is struck while boarding or exiting, are common types of […]

Texting And Pedestrian Accidents

People often feel like it is fine to check their phone and answer messages when they are in calmer areas. When there are not as many cars around and speed limits are lower, it can seem easier to multitask by answering a few e-mails. However, these areas usually have more pedestrians. And in these areas, […]

Boating Accident Claims

If you have been hurt in a boating accident, you may be able to hold the operator responsible if their negligence caused the accident. You can pursue compensation from the operator of your boat or another boat, depending on who is responsible. Both small recreational boats and larger commercial boats can cause accidents that result […]

Truck Accident Claims

When you are involved in a truck accident, your next actions are critical. What you do during the next few minutes, hours, or days will dramatically affect the outcome of your truck accident claim, and may have even more serious ramifications as well. Here are some steps to help you understand what to do after […]