Search Results for: driving

Merging – Are You Doing it Wrong?

Merging in traffic often feels like a battle of wills and of principles. Some selfish drivers race ahead in the closing lane to cut in front of those who dutifully took their place in line as early as possible. The conscientious drivers in the slower-moving lane then try to punish the line-cutters by refusing to […]

National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week

The third week in October has been designated National College Alcohol Awareness Week (NCAAW). This year that falls on October 17th through the 21st. Over 1,000 campuses across the U.S. are participating this year. The purpose of NCAAW is to raise awareness and teach students about alcohol abuse, drunk driving, and other dangers surrounding substance […]

Accident or Crash: Why Words Matter

There is a movement to stop calling motor vehicle crashes “accidents”. Why? Because the words we use shape or thoughts, attitudes, and ultimately, our actions. Accident implies that no one is accountable. That no one is to blame. “Crash” is neutral. It does not imply blame or lack thereof. It leaves the question open. It […]

Why You Shouldn’t Drive Slow in the Left Lane

The American news website, Vox, recently published a helpful video entitled, “Why you shouldn’t drive slowly in the left lane.”  The video highlights the dangers of driving slow, including one study that found driving five miles per hour under the posted speed limit is more dangerous than driving five miles per hour over the limit. Vox […]

Labor Day Accidents

The National Safety Council (NSC) predicts that this year’s Labor Day weekend will be the deadliest on U.S. roads in eight years. The organization estimates that there will be more than 50,000 injuries and about 438 traffic deaths over the three-day weekend in 2016. In 2008, the NSC predicted 439 deaths, and the actual total […]

The Pitfalls of Playing Pokémon Go

Dangers of Augmented Reality Video Games Pokémon Go, an augmented reality game, was released unto the wild July 6th, 2016 and may have already passed Twitter in the number of users. A staggering statistic that Ni-antic, its creators, and the Pokémon Company must be ecstatic about. The game released for mobile devices on iOS and […]

In-Vehicle Communication Technology is Not as Safe as You Think

The problem of distracted driving is plaguing the roads of America. In 2014, 3,179 people were killed as a result of distracted drivers (according to the official US government website for distracted driving: Many people think that this problem can be avoided by using hands-free communication devices and other in-vehicle features. However, recent studies […]

Autonomous Car Moral Dilemma

No one wants to make a hard moral decision, but have you ever thought what would happen if a machine could make one for you? The idea becomes even more interesting, it seems, when that decision could be the difference between life and death. A study was recently published that shed light on how people […]

Driver Videoed Sleeping While Tesla Drives on Autopilot

The promise of self-driving cars may still seem like science fiction to many, so it may come as a surprise that such cars are not only already reality but can actually be found on today’s roads.  Perhaps the best evidence of this fact is recently released video of a driver in a Tesla electric car […]