Oktoberfest originated in Munich, Germany, in 1810. Traditionally, the festival runs from the first weekend of September through the first Sunday in October, and it is now celebrated in cities around the globe, including many in the U.S.
Last year, festival goers consumed 2 million gallons of beer in Munich alone. German beer is the main attraction, but you can also fill up on bratwurst and other Bavarian treats, while enjoying bumper cars, spinning rides, and fair game. Although spinning rides and beer are not a highly recommended combination.
Oktoberfest Safety
What do you naturally find at a beer festival? A lot of drunk people. Enough beer can turn even the most reasonable, level-headed person into a danger to themselves and others. And there is another element. Predators.
Anywhere that there will likely be a lot of inexperienced drinkers getting plastered, predators and opportunists are sure to follow.
Be sure to follow these basic safety tips:
- Don’t go alone. Go with a friend or loved one and employ the buddy system at all times, especially when heading for the restrooms.
- Drink responsibly. Be aware that the beer served at Oktoberfest may contain more alcohol than the beer you are used to, if you normally drink beer.
- Plan for the drive home. Yep, that means a designated driver, a cab, or some other service. Whatever you choose, don’t drink and drive.
- Don’t take valuables.
- Keep an eye on your drink at all times. Don’t let someone slip something in your drink. Most women have heard this their entire lives. Men need to follow this advice, too.
- Watch out for fights between other people. Don’t get caught in the middle.
For more safety tips, read Staying Safe in Large Crowds