Holiday Driving Safety: When One Drink is More Than You Think

Whether you are going out for the holidays or hosting celebrations in your home, if alcohol is involved you need to know a little more about the alcohol content in the beverages you may be consuming or serving to your guests. If you have always judged alcohol consumption by the number of drinks, your estimations […]

Managing Holiday Stress

Stress can suck all of the joy out of your holiday season. You may not be able to avoid every stressful situation, but you can learn some tricks for preventing and managing holiday stress. Forget Perfection Whether you are planning an elaborate meal or just trying to wrap presents, don’t expect the results to be […]

National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

On December 1, 2015, President Obama issued a statement proclaiming December 2015 as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. While we face many dangers on the road that are beyond our control, such as defective vehicles and dangerous weather conditions, impaired driving remains the most common cause of auto accidents. It is something that we can […]

Worst Elderly Driver Accidents

Talking to a loved one about giving up their driver’s license can be upsetting for everyone involved, and in many cases there are alternatives that can help older people maintain their independence for as long as possible. However, elderly drivers can be very dangerous. One of the most common mistakes elderly drivers make, leading to […]

Hit and Run Injury Claims

By David Carnes, Staff Writer Hit and run injury claims are a type of personal injury claim and victims can recover compensation. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that “hit and run” accidents account for about 11 percent of all traffic accidents. Of these, more than 1 in 25 result in a fatality.  All […]

Truckers and Tough Turnaround Times – Why Sleep Matters

Truck driver fatigue is a very real and constant danger on our roads, as the 2014 crash involving a Wal-Mart truck that killed comedian Jimmy Mack, left Tracy Morgan severely injured, and also injured three other passengers, reminded the world. Hours of Service (HOS) rules were created in an attempt to combat fatigue, by limiting […]

Top 5 Ways to Stay Alert at the Wheel

In honor of Drowsy Driving Prevention Week we bring you five tips for staying alert at the wheel. Get Enough Sleep Sleep debt builds up with prolonged sleep deprivation. Different people need different amounts of sleep, and excessive sleep is not beneficial, but if you get less than your optimal amount of sleep each night […]

Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina – Pet Safety

On Thursday, August 21, Danny became the first hurricane of the 2015 Atlantic season. Ten years ago, when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, over 600,000 animals were stranded or killed, in part because rescue workers refused to transport them and, in some cases, forcibly removed them from their owners. In 2006, a federal law called […]

4 Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

More than 80% of motorcycle accidents result in injury or death to the motorcyclist, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The importance of wearing the proper gear cannot be overstated. Helmets get the most press, but you also need the right gloves, jackets, pants, and boots to protect your entire body. Here […]