There is a lot of advice available online about filing auto insurance claims and maximizing compensation. That advice is useful and important. But it’s always best to start at the beginning, before the accident occurs. Preventing collisions is the most surefire way to keep costs down. To that end, there are a number of safety […]
Driving in Severe Storms
Flooding, high winds, and hail are just a few of the dangers you can encounter during severe storms. The official Atlantic hurricane season for 2016 is June 1st through November 30th, but severe conditions can crop up any time of year. The best advice is to avoid driving during severe weather, but sometimes you have […]
What I learned During a Recent Power Outage
You can find a wealth of excellent emergency preparedness checklists online, ranging from generalized to specific types of emergencies and from your basic three-day stores to long-term “prepping”. I’m a firm believer in being prepared, but in reality, even those of us who are very aware of the need are not always on top of […]
Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina – Pet Safety
On Thursday, August 21, Danny became the first hurricane of the 2015 Atlantic season. Ten years ago, when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, over 600,000 animals were stranded or killed, in part because rescue workers refused to transport them and, in some cases, forcibly removed them from their owners. In 2006, a federal law called […]
Jurassic Accidents
If you are even vaguely familiar with the Jurassic Park movies, you know that they revolve around dinosaurs brought to life in modern times by cloning. Jurassic World, formerly known as Jurassic Park 4, opens in theaters on June 12, 2015. In the film, Jurassic World is a theme park featuring real, live dinosaurs. To […]
Top Five Things to Know About Tornado Safety
Tornados can happen any time of year, and anywhere in the country. Don’t assume you’re safe just because you don’t live in Tornado Alley. Our warning systems are much better today than they ever have been, but tornadoes can still come along unexpectedly. When they do, it is too late to run or drive away. […]