If you’ve been living in America in the last couple of decades, you’ve likely seen the television show, Deadliest Catch. Premiering on the Discovery Channel back in 2005, the documentary show follows the lives and events aboard several fishing vessels.
The entire premises of the show resides in the fact that fishers and fishing workers face some of the most dangerous job conditions — at least according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in their report to the National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.
The personal injury attorneys of Brown & Brown, LLP created this infographic to highlight some of the most injury prone professions:

Obviously, not all workplace injuries results in a fatality. Many accidents however, result in injuries that put people in financial risk.
Luckily, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation and if your injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation though legal representation.
If you or someone you love is injured on the job, contact an experienced accident attorney in your area today.