How To Drive in a Summer Thunderstorm

Activated warning lamps on the white car at the emty road in the countryside.While we might try to control almost every aspect of our lives, the truth is that we can’t control the weather. When it rains, it pours, and the best thing we can do is let it rain. Driving in a summer thunderstorm is not only challenging but it also puts you at risk. 

Here are helpful tips to ensure you drive safely during a summer thunderstorm.

Get to Know the Risks

When driving during a heavy thunderstorm, some of the dangers you might be exposed to include flying debris and lightning. It’s also worth noting that other drivers on the road put you in great danger since they might not be seeing the road clearly.

Plan Ahead

It’s also safe to plan beforehand and know how the weather might change while moving from one place to another. Before the storm hits, you should plan to travel early or postpone your trip altogether in advance.

Slow Down

If you find yourself stuck while driving during a thunderstorm, the best thing to do is slow down. Heavy rains generally cut your visibility to the bare minimum. It might not be easy for you to see the lanes clearly or determine a safe distance to keep from other drivers. Slowing down allows you to drive safely and react appropriately in the event of an accident.

Turn on Your Lights

Turning on your car’s lights might not help you see the road clearly, but it helps other drivers know where you are. Therefore, this is a safety measure that you should not overlook.

Keep a Safe Distance

Keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you. You are driving through a summer thunderstorm, and this means it might take some time before fully braking your car.

At McPhillips Fitzgerald & Cullum, we always advise our clients to be careful on the road, especially when the weather acts up. It is much better to arrive late than fail to get to your destination at all. The tips pointed out here could prevent you from being involved in a car accident that could have been avoided. In case you are involved in an accident, contact us for exceptional legal guidance you can trust.