The quick answer to the question “Can you sue the US government?” is “Yes,” but that has not always been the case. Prior to 1946, when the Federal Tort Claims Act (“FTCA” or “Act”) was passed, a legal doctrine known as sovereign immunity prevented citizens from being able to take their government to court. While […]
Railway Company’s Negligence Cause Major Pollution in Montana
Residents of Livingston, Montana, have witnessed first-hand the damage dealt by the treacherously negligent attitude of Northern Pacific Railway. One resident, named Bill Philips, put it this way in a recent Huffington Post report on the toxic effects of the railway company: “Rip, rape and run,” he said. And perhaps it’s always been that way […]
Civil Justice Bills Pose Major Threat to Civil Litigation Process
Following the inauguration of Donald Trump, House Republicans introduced several bills that amount to one of the greatest affronts to tort and class action law since 2005. But what exactly does the GOP intend to do with these bills? While “The Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act of 2017” (HR 985) touches on nearly all […]
Tort Reform
When you are injured because of someone else’s negligent actions, in most cases, you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. Lay people often refer to this as personal injury law or negligence law. However, lawyers know that the proper term is tort law. Like any other type of law, tort law can be changed. […]
Tort Report: Understanding Legal Terms
A tort is a type of civil action in which an injured person (sometimes multiple injured people) sues another person or entity that caused the injury. These are often called negligence or personal injury cases. When dealing with a tort case, you may run into several terms that are new to you. Use the list below to […]