Asbestos Exposure Among Shipyard Workers

536100_mIf inhaled, tiny asbestos fibers can cause a world of trouble within the human respiratory system. Without knowing it, victims of exposure can develop serious diseases, such as mesothelioma. Symptoms of asbestos-related diseases can often take decades to appear, meaning many of those exposed to asbestos have long since retired by the time they are diagnosed with a fatal illness.

Even though asbestos is known to cause serious illnesses, many industries embraced the substance in the 20th century. Asbestos fibers were worked into insulation for piping, automobile brakes, commercial and residential buildings, and more. Blue collar workers in America are some of the most at risk for mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases, as they handled the substance more than anyone in the country.

In the past, one of the places in which asbestos was most commonly used was in U.S. ships. Most ships built in America had been constructed with different asbestos materials from bow to stern, making exposure common for shipbuilders, repairers, and other workers on board. In fact, shipyards are one of the most common jobsites still at risk for asbestos exposure today. During the 1990s, ship building and repair was the second highest industry specified on U.S. death certificates of adult asbestosis victims.

If you have worked on or around ships in the past or have been exposed to asbestos for any other reason, Brayton Purcell L.L.P. encourages you to alert your doctor of the possibility of developing asbestosis, mesothelioma, or other asbestos-related diseases. Immediate medical attention is necessary following a diagnosis, as well as legal representation to hold those responsible for your exposure accountable for their actions.

If you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos in the past and are suffering from an asbestos-related disease today, do not hesitate to contact Brayton Purcell, L.L.P. With offices based in California, Utah, and Oregon, our attorneys are available to handle mesothelioma cases all across the nation.

Written by James P. Nevin. For more information about Brayton Purcell, L.L.P., visit their website at