Red Light Cameras Increase Crashes, May or May Not Reduce Severity


Red light cameras are highly controversial. They are hated by drivers, considered a violation of privacy by many, have been found unconstitutional by multiple courts, are banned in 10 states, and where they are installed accidents go up. And then there is the corruption issue. In January, 2016, Chicago’s former assistant transportation commissioner, John Bills, was found guilty of fraud, bribery, extortion, conspiracy, and fraud when it was found that he took up to $2 million in bribes and gifts in exchange for helping Redflex Traffic Systems secure millions of dollars in red light camera contracts. And that’s just one case.

So, do red light cameras have any redeeming qualities?

Conflicting Studies

According to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS), red light cameras reduce fatal crashes. A 2011 IIHS study found that red light cameras reduced fatal crashes at signalized intersections by 17%. The IIHS also notes that a study sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration found a 15% increase in rear-end collisions after red light programs were implemented.

Other studies have found increases of up to 50% in possible injury crashes. Many studies find a combination of an increase in rear-end crashes and a decrease in the more dangerous side-impact crashes.

The numbers in Jacksonville Florida, announced in 2014, found that results varied wildly from one intersection to the next with crashes going down by over 44% at one intersection and going up by nearly 30% at another, on the most extreme ends of the spectrum. Overall, crashes went up, but according to Sheriff John Rutherford, side-impact crashes were reduced. Redflex operates Jacksonville’s red light cameras and, of course, takes a cut of the fines.

Protecting Yourself from Red Light Camera Crashes

No matter how you feel about red light cameras, you need to take precautions at intersections where they are used. Accidents caused by red light cameras typically occur when a driver unexpectedly hits the brakes at a yellow light, afraid that the light will turn before they get through, generating a ticket. So there are two main ways to protect yourself from these accidents:

  • Don’t be the driver who suddenly hits the brakes at the last second
  • Expect the driver in front of you to do so, and give that driver plenty of space

If you believe that a red light camera contributed to your car accident, talk to an experienced car accident attorney today.

Avatar About Sandra Dalton

With a background as a paralegal, focusing on criminal defense and civil rights, Sandra Dalton launched her freelance writing career in 2000 with a weekly column on Freedom for Suite 101 and pro bono projects for individuals and organizations supporting causes close to her heart. One of her first projects was for the Police Compliant Center writing about police misconduct. Sandra’s legal writing quickly expanded to include personal injury, animal welfare, criminal defense, disability discrimination, family law and much more.