Pain and Suffering When You Sue a Hospital

Hospital Pain and Suffering

Medical malpractice lawsuits against hospitals typically involve damages for pain and suffering. In fact, you may find that your pain and suffering means more to you than your economic damages. As part of your non-economic damages, pain and suffering may or may not be limited in your state. You’ll need the help of an experienced medical malpractice attorney who can guide you in this area to recover the maximum compensation that you deserve.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are those which are not tied to a specific dollar amount. Your medical bills, lost income and other economic damages are much easier to calculate or estimate. Some states put a cap on non-economic damages, while others do not. And, many states have different laws for medical malpractice than they do for other types of personal injury.

Not Just Physical Pain and Suffering

The term “pain and suffering” is very broad and includes far more than the physical pain you have experienced and are expected to experience as a result of your injuries. It also includes your emotional pain and suffering such as:

  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Irritability
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Personality changes
  • Loss of sense of self
  • Damages to your relationships
  • Inability to participate with your family
  • Inability to engage in social activities and other activities you used to enjoy

As you can see, your pain and suffering can be far more valuable to you personally than your economic losses. An experienced and highly skilled attorney knows how to present your personal story to the jury in a meaningful way that will maximize the compensation you receive.

To learn more about pain and suffering and your rights, please talk to an experienced medical malpractice attorney right away.

Avatar About Sandra Dalton

With a background as a paralegal, focusing on criminal defense and civil rights, Sandra Dalton launched her freelance writing career in 2000 with a weekly column on Freedom for Suite 101 and pro bono projects for individuals and organizations supporting causes close to her heart. One of her first projects was for the Police Compliant Center writing about police misconduct. Sandra’s legal writing quickly expanded to include personal injury, animal welfare, criminal defense, disability discrimination, family law and much more.